Celebrating ICF Coaching Week: The Transformative Power of Coaching!
Celebrating ICF Coaching Week: The Transformative Power of Coaching!

Celebrating ICF Coaching Week: The Transformative Power of Coaching!

18th May, Saturday, I had the privilege of attending ICF Coaching Week at Tulip Inn, Koramangala, alongside many fellow coaches and friends. It was an inspiring day that underscored the transformative power of coaching in the workplace. Thank you ICF Bengaluru Chapter for providing this opportunity.

ICF week

Surveys, such as Gallup’s 2023 Global Workplace Report, highlight that leaders who incorporate coaching into their management style see team engagement improve by 8-18%. This is critical, given that low engagement costs the global economy $8.8 trillion, or 9% of global GDP. Moreover, 70% of team engagement is attributable to the manager, emphasizing the need for coaching in leadership development​.

In particularly these dynamic times at workplace, leaders and managers who can also act as coaches make a significantly greater impact. Engaged employees report significantly lower stress levels (30%) compared to actively disengaged ones (56%), highlighting the role of coaching in fostering a healthier work environment​.

One of the most powerful insight we gained is the crucial role coaches play in educating others about the distinction between coaching and other practices such as mentoring, training, or consulting. Unlike these approaches, coaching isn’t about providing solutions or answers. Instead, it’s a unique process centered on empowering individuals to unlock their innate potential and enhance their performance.

Another important takeaway was the reminder that coaching is a humbling experience. It’s not just about helping the coachee transform; it also enriches the coach, providing new insights and opportunities for personal growth. With over two decades of experience in technology leadership and coaching in the past few years, I’ve seen my own evolution. I used to jump in with solutions to any challenge my team brought to me. Now, I focus on giving safe space, asking open questions, and being non-judgmental and humble in every conversation, so my team can talk about the solutions instead of me. And I’ve realized that they often have more context about the problem, leading to better solutions, with perhaps a few humble evocations from me.

It’s particularly encouraging to observe that ICF coaching has become an integral component of PMI and Agile coaching curriculums. This inclusion underscores the increasing recognition and importance of coaching in professional development

As we celebrate ICF Coaching Week, let’s continue championing the power of coaching to create more engaged, productive, and resilient workplaces. Here’s to a week of learning, growth, and empowerment! 🌱💼

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